You’re here because someone wanted to correct you but was too polite, so here we are…
Below you will find a list of words or names which are commonly misspelt, incorrectly capitalised, spaced, hyphenated, concatenated, or have been subject to some other egregious crime that simply cannot be mentioned.
Each one has an anchor link for easy use like a hand grenade. Just apply the anchor link after the URL (e.g. and throw it at the person who wronged you so badly.
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Common misspellings:
- BlueSky
Why you might be doing it wrong:
Because SharePoint maybe? Or maybe you think that CoPilot is correct.
Anchor link: #bluesky
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Common misspellings:
- ClipChamp
Why you might be doing it wrong:
Because it feels like it should be, but it’s just not, so it’s like, totally weird… right?
Anchor link: #clipchamp
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Common misspellings:
- Co-pilot
- CoPilot
- Co-Pilot
- copilot
Why you might be doing it wrong:
Because SharePoint broke you, and now you write words with an uppercase “P” in them just in case.
* To make things confusing, Microsoft was previously trying to make “copilot” a word (which is why it’s not listed above). But imagine this sentence: “I built a copilot in Copilot Studio and made it available to Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365”.
If ever there was a deserving reason for a slow-clap, this would be it.
Thankfully they’re now using the term “agent” instead of “copilot”.
Anchor link: #copilot
Entra ID
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Common misspellings:
- EntraId
- entraid
- Azure AD
Why you might be doing it wrong:
Some of it is because Microsoft changed the product name after about 12 years, but the rest of it is on you.
Anchor link: #entraid
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Common misspellings:
- InTune
- Intunes
Why you might be doing it wrong:
Because Apple iTunes.
Anchor link: #intune
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Common misspellings:
- On-premise
Why you might be doing it wrong:
Hard to put a finger on this one. Words mean things, and a letter difference can really change its meaning – in this case literally.
Premise meaning: a proposition supporting or helping to support a conclusion
Premises meaning: a piece of land together with its buildings
Authoritative source (Premise)
Authoritative source (Premises)
Anchor link: #on-premises
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Common misspellings:
- Onedrive
- One Drive
- SkyDrive
Why you might be doing it wrong:
Look, SkyDrive was renamed to OneDrive back in 2014 so there’s really no reason for that one.
Also, since 2014, so… c’mon already.
Anchor link: #onedrive
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Common misspellings:
- Onenote
- One Note
Why you might be doing it wrong:
No reason really. It’s been around since 2003. Just because it’s new to you, doesn’t mean you can write incorrectly.
Anchor link: #onenote
Power Apps
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Common misspellings:
- PowerApps
Why you might be doing it wrong:
This is actually Microsoft’s fault, because it was originally actually written as “PowerApps”. However, it was renamed several years ago – so you have no excuse now.
Anchor link: #powerapps
Power BI
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Common misspellings:
- PowerBI
- PowerBi
- Power Bi
- Fabric (yeah, I’ll fight you on this one)
Why you might be doing it wrong:
The “BI” in this product name refers to “Business Intelligence” – something you’re not demonstrating when writing it incorrectly.
Anchor link: #powerbi
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Common misspellings:
- Powerpoint
Why you might be doing it wrong:
It’s existed since 1987 so you really don’t have an excuse at this point.
Anchor link: #powerpoint
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Common misspellings:
- Powershell
- Power shell
Why you might be doing it wrong:
I’m confused here too. I thought Microsoft only capitalised the letter “P” in the middle of words? (Except in the case of Copilot.)
Anchor link: #powershell
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Common misspellings:
- Sharepoint
- Share point
Why you might be doing it wrong:
Because you were raised by wolves.
Anchor link: #sharepoint
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Common misspellings:
- Team site
Why you might be doing it wrong:
Because you never used SharePoint before it was forced upon you with Microsoft Teams. Now you refer to a Team in Microsoft Teams as a “team site” – except that’s actually a type of site template in SharePoint.
So if you say “it’s in the team site” to someone who used SharePoint before 2017, they’ll go looking in the SharePoint site.
* We can also argue as to whether the term should be capitalised as “Team” or “team”. Microsoft will write it as a “team” in Teams, but you and I know that a “team” of people could use Slack if they wanted and that this is another case of Microsoft taking words from the English language and repurposing them. But, let’s stick to the point and make sure we focus on the difference between a team and a team site.
Anchor link: #team
Windows Autopilot
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Common misspellings:
- Autopilot
- Windows AutoPilot
Why you might be doing it wrong:
Because for some reason you thought that “CoPilot” was the correct spelling, and decided to apply that to Windows Autopilot.
Anchor link: #windowsautopilot
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Who made this?
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This site is built and updated by Loryan Strant, with suggestions and contributions from the community.